1621 N Henderson St Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-2121

Customer Testimonials for City Select Motors

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Shawn - 2014 Hyundai santa fe

Good prices and friendly atmosphere. gave me more for my trade than other dealers and helped me with financing.

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City Select Motors - 2000 Quality Vehicle

At City Select Motors we are proud of the quality used cars we sell and our dedication to serve the needs of our customers. This is reflected in the amount of repeat business we receive. Whether this is your first purchase with us or one of many that you’ve had, you can count on our dedicated sales staff to make it the best buying experience possible.

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Oil Change and Tire rotation - $39.95 conventional oil most cars

We will change oil and filter , rotate tires and safety inspection . LET MIKE KNOW YOU SAW THIS ON THE WEB PAGE FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE

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OIL CHANGE COMBO - $53.95 save $6.00 most cars light trucks extra

Oil and filter up to 5 qts conventional oil, synthetic oil extra , rotate tires, add BG oil and fuel supplements ( enviromental fees ,shop supplies $3.00 )

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Interstate Batteries 60 Mth Warranty - 18 month free replacement most cars

starting at $95.95 plus instlation

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DETAIL SERVICES - wash and vac most cars


City Select Motors City Select Motors
309-343-2121 $$$
Jul 28, 2023
I’m so pleased to all the staff members at city select Matt I truly appreciate you more then you know and to the service department I’m so thankful and grateful for all of you and I’m can’t ask for a better dealership city select is where you want to be love the staff and thanks again to Matt and JD
City Select Motors City Select Motors
309-343-2121 $$$
1 Testimonial
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